Freedom For Page Three


Note: Originally posted on the now-defunct Exiled Tory Remoaner Scum website

Note: This post is 10 years old, and my politics have changed over time

I was delighted to see that The Sun was featuring a topless model on page 3 again late last week.

Actually I should clarify, I did not see it – I only heard about it.  I am too engrossed in John Major’s autobiography and the only newspaper I read is The Economist.

I was somewhat discombobulated two days ago when I heard the same commentators that were defending Charlie Hebdo’s right to offend, cheering on the apparent demise of daily boobs on the basis that it is sexist and outdated.

It seems a tad contradictory to me.

If you don’t want to see a pair of boobs – don’t look at page 3.  Or buy a different newspaper.  There are topless men in publications that I don’t want to see – granted not quite as sexualised but still a sexualised image.  I simply don’t look at them.

To me it belittles the conversation about daily sexual harassment – the pathetic cat-calls that women have to put up with, the tooting of horns, the wolf-whistles and worse such as casual groping.  I am sure you’ve seen it and my female readers have experienced it.

The anti-page 3 campaigners should turn their attention to such petty but unacceptable behaviour from a small minority of men.